Saturday, September 24, 2016

How does Sound effect you?

This is a drop of water with a frequency passing through it.
The higher the frequency the more complex the geometric patterns.

Sound admits (sic) a frequency
which creates a vibration
which changes the structor (sic) of water.

We are made up of 70% water
yet people say that sound doesn't effect us.

(I added space, to make his text a poem  : )

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Yogananda: Beginning stages of enlightenment are all about Vibration

"Sir," I asked,
"What stage must one have reached to be called a Master?"

"He must have attained Christ consciousness.

"The stages of enlightenment," he continued, 
"are first, to be conscious
of the AUM vibration throughout the body.

"Next, one's consciousness becomes identified
with that AUM vibration beyond his body,
and gradually throughout the universe.

"One then becomes conscious of the Christ consciousness within the AUM vibration
- first in the physical body, 

then gradually in the whole universe.

"When you achieve oneness
with that vibration-less consciousness everywhere,
you have achieved Christ Consciousness.

"That final stage lies beyond vibration itself,
in oneness with God the Father, the Creator beyond the universe. 

"When, still in that highest state of consciousness,
you can return to the body without losing your inner sense of oneness with God,
that is complete freedom.

"All true masters,
even those who are not yet fully liberated,
live in that nirbikalpa samadhi state.

"That is what Jesus Christ had.
It was what he meant by perfection, in saying,
'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)
To be Christlike master, one must have attained that state."

~ Conversations with Yogananda
by Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters)
#95, pg 119