Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ascended Master Kwan Yin: Be Spirit Embodied

Ascended Master Kwan Yin says "I will teach them to be Free."

Kwan Yin is known as the bodhisattva (Enlightenment Being) or Goddess of Compassion, Mercy.
She is all about spiritual focus. Which, when we let it, makes Everything Easy.

As spirit in body, Kwan Yin powerfully assists us to come into alignment with our Source, with our Light, with our Path: knowing our spiritual Royalty/Seniority here on the Earth: all in!

Allow yourself to create or deepen your present-time relationship with Kwan Yin, clear your own and other's opinions & general religious information about her.
Come to KNOW Kwan Yin deeply for yourself, and be Supported as you shift to BEing who you are and serving in your unique way, getting back your own Free-Will.

By working directly with Kwan Yin, energetically, you can learn to:
Allow spiritual focus, seniority and conscious connection to the God of your Heart (your unique experience of Source)
  • in your spiritual expereince, here & now,
  • in your body and your expereince of this reality, 
  • in your life, and manifesting your unique path.
When we truly experience ourselves, others, the world from a spiritual perspective - 
there is nothing but compassion.

Workshop in July 2014: 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Ascended Master Moses: BE a Leader

BE a Leader as a Way of Life, with Ascended Master Moses.

We are each called to live out a unique and significant role in this lifetime for the betterment of our soul as well as the universe as a whole. Now is the time to step into it, more.

• Be Inspired to be a Powerful Leader - within yourself and in your life - by following your spiritual information.

• Practice Opening to your inner voice, the call of your path, the difference only you can uniquely make in your world.

• Moses embodied these Leadership qualities, he can show you how!

Ascended Master Moses was a reluctant Leader, as many of us have been.
But, he learned to stop putting up with how things were - within himself and in his world, and he grew into the place where he could step out, trust himself, listen-to his spiritual leading, make a difference in the world!
Moses made a Huge difference, he changed the course of history.
Are you ready to do the same?

Moses made such an enormous difference because he listened to his spiritual information, and he followed it.
He climbed a holy mountain, going where others feared to tread.
He had the courage and willingness to go to his Source, to be blessed and filled with Light, and to receive marching orders - not just for himself, but for his entire tribe.
Are you ready to do the same?

Every great thing he did came out of his burning bush experience - he went to the desert, he let go, he hit bottom.THEN he found the true God, he found his connection, his purpose and his path.
After that, each step he danced with God, while the people and patterns of the world resisted and judged.

We see him as so great, powerful, world-changing, courageous… only becasue we have the easy historical vantage point.
In real-time, every step he took, every mind he changed, every new path he led - was HARD!
- so unpopular, he had to move through so much friction, resistance, changing the flow... change is hard, even when it is great!

Moses can help us let go of who we think we are, and be willing to take on new roles, then be willing to let them go, take on new ways of being - repeat.


When I ask Moses about BEing a Leader, he shows me a picture of him leading a multitude.
Nothing new there, until he points out:
You know how folks say, I have to get my ducks in a row, THEN I can do X.
Well, that isn't how it's done. 

In real life, getting ducks to line up is just as hard as herding cats - basically impossible - they are ALL Over the place.
UNTIL the Momma Duck moves - she GOES where she wants to go, and she goes fast!
And all the baby ducks paddle, scurry, flap as fast as they possibly can, right along - lining up behind her - it is Magical to watch!

THAT is what it is to BE a Leader within our own system, as well as in the world, and with others. We GO where we want to go, and we don't dawdle!
All manner of people, places, things, potentialities... will line up with our Purposeful Action - count on it!

Reminds me of this popular and very useful quote:
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now.

- which turns out to be a paraphrased mash-up of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as well as W. H. Murray in The Scottish Himalaya Expedition

January 2015: HOLY MOSES! Reclaim Leadership over your Domain (Meditation Workshop)

Contained in only this workshop, especial focus with Lynn Brown, on working with Moses around:
1 - Love of the land and animals, and love of “his people".
2 - The Promised Land.
3 - Direct communication with the God of your Heart.  Focusing on the Goal given to You, with body, mind, and spirit.
4 - What is it for you to “go to your desert.”  Being ok being alone, being in solitude.  Removing toxins from your life and flying solo.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ascended Master, Ancient Venus: BE Supported by the Earth

Consciously and energetically learn from Ancient Venus:
Allowing a new way to BE Supported by the Earth

Statues of Ancient Venus are found around Europe and surrounding areas, dating from 11-35,000 years ago. 

Ancient Venus can assist us all to:
- Ground as the Earth.
- BE: the Earth IS us.
- Relax into the Support and Ease that is our Birthright. - Invite energies of the Earth & Cosmos to help us spiritually (and from there, physically) shift with no-effort.

Ancient Venus can assist Women to:
- Own our Female anatomy, naturally.
- Recapture a time of feminine leadership, when the hearth and home was feminine domain.
- Practice letting our female creative energy soar - Inviting our feminine magic of bringing life, art, work into the world with no effort… with ease.

- Own powerful female energy and power, for ourselves.
- Be fruitful as the Earth is.
- Be Pregnant with possibilities.

- BE Mother, be fruitful, be creative outpouring into the world!
- Dream our creations into reality.

Women's Night: BEing with Mother Earth and Easeful Creating, with Ancient Venus - March 10, 2014 
- Nov 1, 2015

want to see more pics?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ascended Master: Melchizedek: BE the Tree of Life

Melchizedek, an Ascended Masters' Master.
His Game is Bigger than the Earth-game, it is all of our Universe... and so is ours!

He comes from a foundation of peace, of soul-rest.
He runs a crazy high vibration.

From here he equips us and supports us to face and be-with the full-spectrum of our expereince in this world of dichotomies - to face the Light and the Dark in ourselves and in our world with Power, Stability, Equanimity.

He can help us have neutrality and compassion with folks choosing the dark-side - many of us do this, consciously and unconsciously. 

He can assist us to be empowered in taking authority over spirits.
He is a tremendous ally in intense spiritual 'warfare', for example when 'fighting' 'demons' who are strengthened because of alliance with humans.

I don't have permission yet to do a workshop with him, but, I don't want to leave him out ; )

Ascended Master, Buddha: BE Clear

Get to Know the guy who inspired Buddhism and the spread of meditation around the world.  Find out why he inspired so many to Just BE!

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or the Buddha lived about 2500 years ago.  He was born in the Himalayan foothills, and taught primarily in northeastern India. 

By working directly with Buddha energetically, you can practice:

- Raising your vibration, letting-go of: the past, the future.. to BE here Now.
- Playing as the Swinging Door.
- Validating, clearing and experiencing your connection as spirit, to your body, to the Earth & to the Divine.
- Allowing a healing, spiritual perspective, letting go of attachments and resistance - being clear so the slings and arrows coming your way do not stick!
- Clearing heavy-dark vibrations, as well as other's expectations, emotions, opinions & religious information.

March 24, 2014: 
June 2012: Raising our Vibration with Ascended Master, Buddha

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ascended Master Lemar: BE the Change

Healing, Growth, Learning can be fun and easy.
Say YES to Change with Ascended Master Lemar!

Lemar can inspire us to:
- Change/heal ourselves and our world.
- Open to a new way of running our creative/healing energies: create through our expereince of oneness/affinity.
- Open physically and spiritually to change: new growth, movement, learning, creativity, healing that is change, and springtime creativity, lushness, growth & vitality.

Lemar can assist us to:
- Enjoy comfortable, high-energy growth periods!
- Release the 'rubber band effect' - overcome the ties that pull us back to that same old place.
- say hello to a whole new way of BEing!

workshop:Say YES! to Healing, Growth, Learning & Change with Ascended Master Lemar

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ascended Master, Mother Mary: BE with what IS

Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus,  is known the world-over as a Powerful, Compassionate Presence.

I work a lot with Mary in deep healing, in releasing invalidation and unreality, in realizing our wholeness.  I have worked the longest with Jesus and Mary, and they are some of my closest spiritual friends.

I see Mary working particularly with these incredibly powerful and life-changing vibrations:
  •  truth, validation, forgiveness, acceptance, gratefulness, trust, certainty and 
  • experiencing the reality of our own wholeness, which is healing.
Allow yourself to create or deepen your present-time relationship with Mary, clear your own and other's opinions & general religious information about her.
Come to KNOW Mary deeply for yourself, and be Supported as you come to a Powerful, Compassionate Presence in this Reality.

To get a flavor for the kinds of work you can do with Mary, and the kinds of flavors she works well with, please see blog post:  Forgiveness: Not by might nor by power, but by Spirit

January 2014: Enjoy your Inner Wholeness: Practice operating from your Center with Mother Mary
December 2012: Healing Circle with Mother Mary: Healing Trauma in Connecticut and Our World 
August 2012, NJ:  Let It BE: Meditation with Mother Mary  
April 2012: Working With the Ascended Masters: Mother Mary
April 2012:  Psychic Learning, Healing, and Growth with the Ascended Masters: Theresa, Jesus, Mother Mary & Ganesh
March 2012, NJ: Meditation & Healing with Ascended Master: Mother Mary

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Ascended Master Anna-Lei-He: BE Graceful Transformation

Anna-Lei-He is a Hawaiian Ascended Master who has been lost to history.

Work with Anna-Lei-He, to spiritually choose to be in the FLOW as "the old life is gone; a new life has begun!"
Find your unique way to welcome your seasonal changes, with ease and grace (instead of like a cat, trying to avoid a bath ; ) 

Life is change.
Learning, Healing and Growth are a central part of our lives on Sandbox Earth.

Spiritual Traditions through time have rituals, stories and Masters/Deities who validate and support the inexorability of our Transitions.

There are so many examples in mythology, they are called death-rebirth-deities: Ra, Osiris/Orion, Jesus, Dionysus, Inanna/Ishtar, Persephone...
Along with Mother Nature, like the Phoenix renewing, they mirror OUR internal/spiritual shifts.

Additionally, our life on this planet is Particularly Tumultuous right now.  And with these evolutionary shifts, many are experiencing a lot of, well, SUFFERING.

We ARE in this evolutionary process; and meanwhile, we can ENJOY life!

We can let go of our resistance, angst, friction. and move through our learning and growth cycles with more ease and grace.

When we move from one spiritual cycle to the next, it can feel like Death for our bodies, egos, POVs!
When we have identified with our stories, our ego, our body, our thoughts, our feelings, our work, our community, our family, etc.
When these things fall-away, many cry: WHO AM I, without this?

Change can be experienced as tearing, out of our control. but it doesn't HAVE to be that way!

Ascended Master Anna-Lei-He walks in Present-time Beauty, Ease, Grace;
and goes through her transformations quickly and in the same manner.
Who wouldn't want to walk the Earth as she did?

April 2013: Transformation with Ease & Grace: Meditation Workshop with Anna-Lei-He

Ascended Master Violet: BE Safety, Comfort and Ease

Ascended Master Vliet-anan-ananda, Violet for short, 
was a blind Seer who embodied Safety, Comfort & Ease...
making way for the vibrations of Excitement and Enthusiasm.

Meet this Master who has been lost to history. Learn to more Comfortably:
- Live your life on a foundation of Safety - the authentic way to connect with the Earth and function in this Reality.
- Be Yourself, access your Gifts in Ease, Unveil your Light.
- Enjoy your Excitement, share your Gifts with the world.
- Let your Divine essence flow, ride the wave of your own Enthusiasm = 'God in us'.

June 2014:

Ascended Master Ganesh: Contain ALL of Life

Lord Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles.
He certainly is Well Grounded and absolutely unstoppable!

He held the opposites of life on this planet more widely than anyone I have seen!
Physically, in this reality: he was HERE, present and accounted for: all in!
Spiritually, as spirit in alignment with his Source, with his own Divinity, with his own Path: knowing his spiritual Royalty/Seniority here on the Earth: all in!

Allow yourself to create or deepen your present-time relationship with Ganesh, clear your own and other's opinions & general religious information about him.
Come to KNOW Ganesha deeply for yourself, and be Supported as you Dig-into this physical reality AND Reach for the Stars!

By working directly with Ganesha, spiritually, you can learn to:
  • Allow spiritual strength, safety and ease in your body and your life.
  • Enjoy spiritual focus, seniority and conscious connection to the God of your Heart (your unique experience of Source) and your unique Path.
  • Be Inspired to Embrace the opposites of our human existence, as he does: physically, SO Earth-connected AND energetically, SO spiritually-focused.
September 2014:
July 2013: Meditation & Healing with Ascended Master Ganesh
April 2012:  Psychic Learning, Healing, and Growth with the Ascended Masters: Theresa, Jesus, Mother Mary & Ganesh

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ascended Master Jagina: Manifest like a Monarch

An Ascended Master that has been lost to history:
  • Jagina was a powerful Sorceress, hidden in plain sight, who lived in what would become the Southwest US. 
  • She is a Master of Manifestation into the physical world. 
  • She also held her power strongly, without overt confrontation, with 'Authorities' and social pressure to conform.

By working directly with Jagina you can learn to:
  • Empower and vitalize the energetic foundations of your physical body.
  • Turn within to enjoy the spiritual vibration of change: new growth, movement, learning, creativity, healing that is change, and springtime creativity, lushness, growth & vitality.
  • Access your conscious spiritual creativity with royal power & ease;  Jagina says: "If you knew the Malleability of Matter, your life would change."

March 2015: Conscious Creation: Manifesting with Ascended Master Jagina -Meditation Workshop
Nov 2012: Conscious Creation: Manifesting with Ascended Master Jagina 
April 2015: 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ascended Master, the Red Dragon: OWN your Empowered Life

The Red Dragon was a forerunner of the Samurai tradition.
He is a Master of Owning Space.
This is a Master lost to history: get to Know him, and take charge of your own Life!

By working directly with the Red Dragon you will have the opportunity to learn and practice:
  • Inviting Vitality, Fierce Unstopability & Life-Force energy, to support the energetic foundations of your physical body, as well as your spiritual life.
  • Clearing foreign energy/information and Releasing Victim Energy/Habits, to free yourself to create a whole new, empowered life.
  • Taking charge of the body energy of Anger, as well as the Dragon Fire & Roar in your internal system, and harnessing it to energetically say: 'get off my toes": 
    • stop 'putting up with' unnecessary aggravation; 
    • clear past or foreign anger and other stuck emotions;
    • enjoy the equanimity to act in the world according to your enlightened self-interest instead of in reactive anger. 
    • utilize anger to 'backwash' your system
In advanced workshops, you can learn with the Dragon, to 
  • Allow Kundalini energy: transmuting physical as well as spiritual energy that you are done-with, into raw spiritual power to energize your life and your creations.

Sept 2012: Live an Empowered Life with Ascended Master, the Red Dragon- similar to listed in Aug 2012 - more description here, with followup: We Happen to Life
Dec 2012: Ascended Master Red Dragon: An Ally in our Abundance and Conscious Creation 
Aug 2012: Live an Empowered Life with Ascended Master, the Red Dragon:  Vitality & Ownership of our Space; Anger & Dragon Fire and Roar; Clearing Victim energy & habits; Head-Channel Clean-outs; Running Kundalini - 6 hours for all

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ascended Master Theresa: Bask in Powerful Love

About Theresa:
  • Theresa is an Ascended Master that has been lost to history - not one of the famous saints.  
  • She was a peasant from the Middle Ages, who worked hard to care for her large family and created beautiful community.  
  • She also managed to live present in the moment, in joyful, love-filled ease.  
  • She enjoyed inner freedom that manifested in her world in amazing ways.  
  • Get to Know her, and make a friend for life!

By working directly with Theresa you can learn to:
  • Raise your vibration, let go of: the past, limits, and heavy vibrations that have held you back.
  • Strengthen, vitalize and reinforce the energetic foundations of your physical body.
  • Turn within to enjoy the spiritual vibrations of freedom, amusement, permission, havingness and affinity. 

Feb 2014: Knowing Love! A Long-Sunday Meditation Workshop with Ascended Master Theresa
due to weather, this was rescheduled, March 2014: Ascended Master Theresa on LOVE! (A Long-Sunday Meditation Workshop)
Dec 2013: Give Yourself Permission: Create & Own Your Life with Ascended Master Theresa
Sept 2012: Allow Joy & Ease: Meditation & Healing Workshop with Ascended Master Theresa 
August 2012, NJ: Love YOUR Body: Meditation (with Ascended Master Theresa)
April 2012:  Psychic Learning, Healing, and Growth with the Ascended Masters: Theresa, Jesus, Mother Mary & Ganesh
Feb 2011, NJ: Healing Workshop w/ Ascended Master Theresa

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ascended Master Jesus: Our Golden Inspiration

Many people have opinions for, against and about Jesus; but most don't actually KNOW HIM, at all.

Regardless of how judgmental and boring some folks portray Jesus in modern America, that is not at all my experience of him. For me, and many folks I know, Jesus is fun, he is laid-back and easy to be with, he is incredibly validating, he is powerful, and he is a wonderful guide and role-model for us to live in present-time, in alignment with God and live lives filled with delightful and delicious, spiritual gifts and abilities.

By working directly with Jesus you can learn to:
  • Raise your vibration and let go of the past, other's energies, and heavy, dark vibrations;
  • Validate your connection as spirit to your body, to the Earth and to the God-of-Your-Heart;
  • Utilize gold vibration to realize divinity on earth, as well as to heal, own clean and present-time your system;
  • Allow emotional healing and become less judgmental by utilizing the spiritual perspective of neutrality.

I encourage you to:
  • Clear other's opinions and religious information about Jesus, and
  • Get to know this powerful, high-energy Master for yourself.  
  • When we come into a present-time, spiritual relationship with Jesus, we gain a friend and guide for life!

Meditation Workshop:
May/June 2015 Phone Class:
May 2015: Align with your Source, with Ascended Master Jesus (Meditation Workshop)
April 2015, NJ: Meditation & Healing Circle with Master Jesus
April 2015, NJ: Meditation Workshop: Align with your Source
January 2014  Start your New Year at GOLD, with Ascended Master Jesus
August 2012: Meditation & Healing Workshop with Ascended Master Jesus 
August 2012, NJ:  Meditation & Healing Workshop with Master Jesus 
April 2012:  Spiritual Learning, Healing, and Growth with the Ascended Masters: Theresa, Jesus, Mother Mary & Ganesh 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ascended Master, St Francis of Assisi: BE Connected

St Francis of Assisi is an Ascended Master who is beloved the world-round for his connection to nature, his care for animals, his compassion for all.
He is magnetic with a wonderful loving energy.
We can learn form him to Connect to ALL, opening to LIFE

We can learn energetically/spiritually from St Francis, an incredibly magnetic Ascended Master, how he:

• Connected-to (Grounded) and received from the Earth (leg channels), resonating with the Earth and all of nature; connecting and creating without effort.
• Accessed unlimited possibilities and manifestations through his connection with his own body-center (2nd chakra).
• Opened his heart (4th chakra) and his communication (5th chakra) in tenderness, kindness, care, and compassion with every living creature.
• Offered his gifts to the world (arm channels), from the heart.

And we can allow ourselves to experience this way-of-being, for ourselves.

June 2015 -

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ascended Master Sabrina: BEing Playful, Malleable, and Free

Sabrina is a Very high-vibration Master, lost to history, but available to us!

She Brings her tremendous spiritually-focused, creative LIFE into this world.
She shows us what it is like to be free, graceful, ease-full 
in a world where heavy, serious and significant are confused with maturity.

She occurs to me often as a child, and as such: 
playful, imaginative, able to turn-on-a-dime.
She also occurs to me often like a lenticular (standing) cloud, and as such: 
adaptable, magically changeable, and not earth-bound.

She helps us expereince in our bodies, in our lives, in this reality, in this world 
our ability to be free, to have fun, to not be weighed-down.

She is great friends with Jesus, and it is so easy to see in her many of the things Jesus spoke-of, which many of us have trouble hearing from him.  Of course, this is the most obvious example:
I tell you the truth, unless you turn around and become like little children, you will never enter the reign of the heavens (spiritual reality).

Create your world, like a child playing in a sandbox

Our imagination is Everything.
Then all we need to DO is PLAY our creations into Reality.

Yes, we create what we expereince;
but also WHO we BE while we create IS our experience:

Are we angry? fearful? joyful? easeful?
Then THAT is our experience:
our Creativity AND our creations in this world.

Skipping and Light IS the secret to Life

Come SEE the world as a place of great play and amazing malleability.
Easy, Free, Easy, Fun, Easy.

Experience the Excitement and Aliveness of high-vibration experience!
When we are FULL of Light, we are impelled into Action - bringing Light into our World.

Let Go of all concepts and habits around what it is to be an adult... 
an allegedly responsible person in the world.
Receive BACK your Free-will, your Birthright - the essence of YOU.

We can experience our lives in a child-likeness 
that can naturally shift our consciousness from 
hard to easy, stuck to skipping,  heavy to light, curse to blessing

Meet Ascended Master Sabrina: lost to history, but available to us!
Sabrina is a Very high-vibration Ascended Master, 
bringing her tremendous spiritually-focused, creative LIFE into this world.

She shows us what it is like to be free, graceful, ease-full 
in a world where heavy, serious and significant are confused with maturity.

Nov 24, 2014 Meditation Workshop:


Ascended Master Lao Tzu: BEing Dynamic Balance

Lao-Tzu literally “Old Master” was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer.
Author of the Tao Te Ching, founder of philosophical Taoism.
He is seen as a deity in religious Taoism and Chinese folk religions. 
Lived circa 6-4th century BCE.

Holding space - will add info soon ; )

Ascended Master: White Buffalo Woman

Holding space - will add info soon ; )

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world - by relating to Ascended Masters

You can enjoy opening to:

- Deepen in Relationship with Ascended Masters;

- Allow a present-time relationship with historically-known Masters, and clear your blocks to comfortable relationship with them;

- Open to meeting and collaborating with other historically-unknown Masters, that are uniquely appropriate to support you on your path.

You can shift your life by:

- Energetically learning from Masters to: raise your vibration, allow healing, and conscious creating in your life with more ease,

- Opening-to present-time teaching, validation and friendship with these delightful, generous Ascended Masters!

- Learning the foundation & basics of working with Masters, so you will be equipped to comfortably do this ON YOUR OWN.

What is exciting about this opportunity?

- You can actually learn from the Master Consciously, and more importantly Energetically.  You can energetically Work Together WITH an Ascended Master.  

- So, you don't just intellectually learn about Ascended Masters - because, as interesting as that may be, it won't change your life!!!  

- This way of learning from a Master has no intellectual meaning, it is an spiritual reality which must be experienced!

Be inspired to new heights, new connections, new ways of being in the world - by relating to Ascended Masters.

Rock On!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth by Relating to Ascended Masters

Who are Ascended Masters?

Ascended Masters have MASTERED the Earth game.
They are Masters of life in the body, as spirit!
Some posts about Masters, in general, here.

Examples of Ascended Masters, with whom I play often:
Buddha, Mother Mary, Ganesha, Jesus, Kwan Yin... (see tags on the right for more)

There are thousands of Masters that have ascended at this point.
The ones that most of us are conscious of, have been remembered through religion, and sometimes other venues like politics, philosophy, science...
Most Masters are lost to history, but can be met and engaged spiritually.

Examples of Ascended Masters who are lost to history, with whom I play often:
Theresa, Jagina, Red Dragon, Violet (Vliet-anan-ananda), Lemar (see tags on the right for more)

There are Billions more Masters yet to ascend.
We are each children on our own unique Path to Mastery!
The Masters, who have Ascended before us, have so much to offer us, as friends, healers, teachers, role-models and more!

Why is relating with Ascended Masters SO helpful?
  • Ascended Masters are the ideal guides for us in our spiritual journey: they have Mastered the Earth-game, they have embodied the balance of Spiritual life in a physical body.  
  • All the challenges and lessons we are tripping-over, they have mastered; they can assist us to walk our path with more seniority, spiritual perspective, and power.
  • They offer compassion, neutrality and amusement in the places we are still judging and resisting ourselves, others and the world.
  • They are always available as a friend and a beacon to assist, teach, role-model for us what is possible for us in this world.

I encourage you to Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth by Relating to Ascended Masters by learning how to relate to these Masters.  
A personal, spiritual relationship with them can support you in your unique spiritual deepening, healing, growth and development.

in Life, Wendy

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What are ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops like?

Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops with Wendy R Wolf & Friends

Register in advance for this meeting: ZOOM 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email, with link to join Zoom Workshop.  
You can utilize same link every Thursday, so you don't have to re-register on ZOOM over and over.

This is not entertainment or academics.  In your soul, you will be on the 'court', not in the 'stands'.
Please come actively Participate in this ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshop, in Real-Time.
It only works if you work it!

In each meditation PLAYshop, you have the opportunity to:
  • Sit comfortably in your chair, for about an hour.
  • Learn and practice some basic meditation tools & techniques.
  • Share, if you choose, your experiences a couple times during this session.
  • Create or deepen your present-time relationship with yourself, your body, Heaven & Earth... 
  • Mostly you will be inspired by the high-vibration;  Quietly enjoy letting go & experiencing your inner world, and your unique spiritual experience. 

Short evening workshops are designed for beginners, and useful for all
With basic inner tools, keeping it simple;
you can go as deep into yourself, your healing and your relationships as you please.

No need to bring anything special. 
You may want a water bottle or some tea. 
I suggest paper and pen to jot a few couple quick notes. 

You can come to any or all evenings: Fresh & new each week. 
But, if you are new to this practice, you must be present when we start.

Please plan to be on ZOOM 5 - 10 minutes before and after the session.
- so you can come in and out comfortably, with less stress;
- and we can all fully focus in our hour together.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

General Schedule for ACTIVE Meditation Workshops, with changing Foci each Month: 
- 1st Thurz: Healing & Conscious Creativity
- 2nd Thurz: Raising your Vibration with Ascended Masters
- 3rd Thurz: Validating your Soul Senses & Abilities
- 4th Thurz: Connecting with body, Spirit & ALL your Relations
- the odd 5th Thurz: Playing: enhancing your Human Development

Thursday Evening, ACTIVE Meditation PLAYshops with Wendy R Wolf & Friends

Register in advance for this meeting: ZOOM 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email, with link to join Zoom Workshop.  
You can utilize same link every Thursday, so you don't have to re-register on ZOOM over and over.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What are Day-long Meditation Workshops like?

In each meditation workshop, you have the opportunity to:
  • Sit comfortably in chairs, and have a body-breaks every hour-or-so. 
  • Learn and practice some basic meditation techniques.
  • Create or deepen your present-time relationship with a particular Ascended Master, clear other's opinions and general religious information;
  • Share, if you choose, your experiences a couple times during this session; 
  • Mostly you will be inspired by the high-vibration and Quietly enjoy letting go and experiencing your inner world, and your unique spiritual experience. 
The workshop is usually 10-4pm. 

Day-long workshops are designed to be high-vibration, life-changing, healing & transformation events.

Some folks will enjoy their shifts all the way through the day.  Some may feel confronted at times with what energies come up to clear.  Please know we are creating a safe space to emote and to share.

Some folks will feel 'full' before the end of the workshop.  Whatever happens for you is great.  Please feel free to take time for self-care or even to leave when it is you are 'baked'.  The audio will be available for you after the class, when you are ready for another step in your vibrational healing!

Day-long workshops include several snack breaks.  Please bring for yourself or to share with all: snacks and a meal item that can sit out on the table all day, and be easily consumed.  You may want a water bottle.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Change your Consciousness, Change your World with Ascended Masters

Raising your Vibrations with Ascended Masters is:
  • an extravaganza of healing and transformation for you.
  • a place to learn and practice inner tools, to more easily shift your inner and outer life.
  • a gathering to meet and build relationships with other amazing and inspiring spiritual Adventurers.
  • a spiritual party with spiritual beings who love and support you, each session focused on deepening in a profound and personal relationship with a different Ascended Master.
  • an opportunity to shift your vibration...
Albert Einstein said:

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
When we allow our frequency to rise, allow our vibration to shift, allow our consciousness to change...
the old problems easily slough-off, and new possibilities naturally arise.

Make a commitment to yourself, to your personal development, to your spiritual deepening, get to know the Ascended Masters!

Each Master has a unique Vibration, as well as Wisdom and Support to share with you.
Your life can be completely transformed - inside and out!

Rock On!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Forgiveness: Not by might nor by power, but by Spirit

Most of us have tried to forgive in the past, to varied success;  we end up:
  • thinking about it,
  • complaining about it,
  • feeling crappy & stewing about it,
  • re-living it,
  • yelling or crying about it,
  • TRYING to let go of it!

Although I have been known to indulge in the above activities, I have found another way that Really works for me: 
Allowing the blessing, the ENERGY of forgiveness into my system. 
When I spiritually allow-in forgiveness vibration, it miraculously shifts my energy:
  • my thoughts,
  • my feelings,
  • my Resistance to letting-go of the past,
  • my Attachment to my pain, hurt, anger, resentment and
  • my pictures of what I think I need for a ‘fair’ conclusion. 

All this begins to melt away,
and a more delicious experience grows within me,
as I allow this spiritual blessing IN and my vibration shifts.

For me forgiving others is hard enough, forgiving myself is the really difficult part!
What about you? 

Trying hard to forgive (myself or others) never got me very far,
rather I have found the miraculous power of forgiveness truly is by Grace, not by force of will.

We are constantly being showered with mighty blessings,
which we rarely let IN...
HOW do we experientially allow blessings? 

How about try this:
to let in this energy, it can be as straightforward as being grounded and present,
then asking for the spiritual blessing of Forgiveness, by allowing a waterfall of Forgiveness energy from the Universe into my body and the space around me.

This may take practice, it may require some help BTW
- this isn't how we are trained - but TRY it!

From here, IN the vibration of Forgiveness,
we have the potential to shift, sometimes subtly, sometimes profoundly.

This higher vibration can fill us with the blessing of forgiveness,
and wash-out all the other detritus.
It can be that easy to shift spiritually, if we let it. 

Ascended Master, Mother Mary is my go-to Master for forgiveness. 
Ask her to assist you to heal and forgive. 
You can intend to learn from Mary spiritually/vibrationally/monkey-see, monkey-do, about forgiveness.

This may take practice, it may require some help BTW
- this isn't how we are trained - but TRY it!

Meanwhile, the Ascended Master whom I know best regarding his physical life, is Jesus.
Jesus spoke about forgiveness, a lot actually.
One thing he said that kind of wraps-up his perspective for me, is:
“in what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.”

I used to think of this saying as a tit-for-tat kind of thing:
  • A Judge sitting there, looking at what I did and having me ‘reap what I have sown’.  
  • If I was/wasn’t willing to share my toy, then the Cosmic-Cop would increase or limit my access to more toys ; )
That isn't it, at all!

It turns out that the very-same judgement that I live-in and I allow for others, Really Is what is applied to me.
But, having looked at this with my spiritual senses for quite a while now, I have a very different perspective on the mechanisms behind this process. 

God / the Universe / Karma(what I reap, I sow) isn’t rewarding or punishing me! 
It is a matter of the vibration I am inhabiting. 

From my perspective, the waterfall practice/analogy is really powerful here.
What I notice spiritually is:
  •  If I am in the waterfall of Forgiveness,
    • all those around me are in it as well – they have to be! 
  • If I allow you to be in a waterfall of forgiveness,
    • then I am in it too – I have to be! 

So what I allow for myself, you get. 
What I allow for you, I get. 
It is that simple.

This is not only a tremendous key in our forgiveness process, in my experience,
but in all aspects of our lives: love, peace, joy, trust, healing…

The vibrations I allow for myself, you get. 
The blessings I allow for you, I get. 
What an easy, beautiful way to transform our world!

Ok, so back to forgiveness. 
The way my spiritual senses perceive Forgiveness,
the vibration is very similar to other vibrations I associate with Mother Mary:
  • Validation, 
  • Truth, 
  • Certainty, 
  • Gratefulness,
  • Healing that is an experience of the Wholeness we Already (spiritually) Are;
  • and an associated energy - Acceptance.
This seemed really strange at first,
because from a body-perspective,
from my experiential, intellectual and emotional perspective,
these ideas had been very different things for me.

But, eventually I realized what they had in common:
They are all about ‘Being with what IS.’

Since we live in the society we do - I must add:
these energies/practices are about our soul rising, not falling.
- These are spiritual warrior energies.
- They are not wimpy, doormat, putting up with...
- There are No victim games in these energies - in these vibrations, spiritually we are already conquerors.

Powerfully, spiritually ‘BEING with what IS’ opens up a whole new world to us.
Many of us are fighting, judging and resisting what IS.
It is can be life-changing to start allowing the energy of ‘Being with what IS’ to shift our vibration, as well as how we experience ourselves and our world.

I work with energy.  I believe, practice and experience that when we shift our energy (change spiritually), everything inside us and around us changes.
And it does.
We create our lives from the inside-out.

And, at the same time,
it can assist us to change our mind, change our heart, change our experience,
when we deal with things from the outside-in.

There is much wisdom in the world to support us in this process of ‘BEING with what IS’.
One that has been a useful tool for me is The Work of Byron Katie.
One of her books is called ‘Loving What Is’.

From the other side: for years now, I have one of her quotes right by my bed, so I see it when I sleep and when I rise:
‘Stop arguing with what IS!’
… How Powerful is THAT?!

Ok, so back to forgiveness.
Isn’t it interesting to apply the distinctions and power of ‘BEING with what IS’ to Forgiveness?
Well, I think it is!

What I have noticed, as a spiritual healer for the last decade:
at its core, Forgiveness really is fundamentally ‘BEING with what IS’ on every level of our being.

What they did, what I did, what happened, how that affected me, them, the world….
this can just become a FACT, a past-reality;
without a big-long story, without a truck-load of emotionality attached.

I really can stop suffering, stop living in the past, and just BE;
and I can let them do the same.

Amazingly, the healing progression over time can end up in ‘Loving What Is’.
It really can.
And the process is not because we are mighty forgiveness machines, or because we power/fight-through it, it is by allowing the spiritual gift of forgiveness.

I would enjoy sharing so many more blessings about forgiveness, for ourselves, for others; 
but that is enough for now.

I hope you allow you and your world to be continually blessed,
by playing with Mother Mary,
and letting-in waterfalls of forgiveness.

And I trust some of the things I said above can assist you to move along in your process of allowing forgiveness:
for yourself and for others.
I pray you are that much more open to savor LIFE!

Blessings on your unique path, Wendy


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shifting Consciousness, Spiritually, with Jesus

When Problems/challenges arise,
it helps me to remember that God is SO Big,
even when my vision and resources feel So small, sometimes.

When I try to fix my life, or figure out who I should be, or what I have to do - I often stay stuck.
But, when I spiritually MATCH JESUS... put on the Mind of Christ: spiritual perspective, Christ Consciousness;
Everything Shifts inside me and in my world, naturally, effortlessly.

When I Try to be Good, to Act Loving, to Perform as I believe Jesus would have:
I get off track - Because I am being physically focused, no matter how 'holy' my intention.
When I focus spiritually, bring my spiritual eyes back on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, everything changes in and for me.

I am Not speaking of focusing on the Jesus of Religion, of Christian Faith and Practice, of Ethics or the Bible.
I am Not relying on who I think Jesus was or what I think he did when he walked the earth...
I AM speaking rather of who Jesus is Now, as spirit:  always spiritually present with us, available to each of us now, in intimate relationship, in spiritual communion.

From this spiritual perspective, 
problems/challenges are an invitation
back to my spiritual center: alignment with God and my unique path.

My challenge is:
  • Really Allowing God's abundant, limitless blessings IN, and
  • Allowing my eyes to shift from:
    • flesh: my body, my needs, my shortfalls/brokenness and my myopia;
    • to spirit: living as Jesus, as God's Way, Truth, Love, Life, Light manifest in our world.

SO many of us Mean to do all this, Think about this, Sometimes feel this and sometimes don't.
We hunger for God; to experience God's Blessings, Fruit, Leading and Manifestation in our lives, and in our world.
And many of us struggle with HOW to do this.  

THIS is the focus of my ministry: HOW to do this.  
Jesus, and all the other Ascended Masters, can assist, inspire, lead us, magnetize us to do this:
To continually turn from physical to spiritual focus, and allow God's Blessings IN!
And then our unsolvable problems, become challenges that are blessings in disguise.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Finding Balance: let the waves come, let them go

I allow balance to come to me:
Balance happens
when I do not attach to being perfectly balanced,
and I let go of fighting to stay balanced.

It is only fighting the waves that keeps me out of balance:
When I let go, I slosh back and forth for awhile;
but roaring waves rather quickly settle to ripples,
when I allow them to resolve naturally.

I allow balance to come to me,
when I let go of judging, of attaching to, of resisting
the waves of intensity, of dichotomies, of extremes that pull me off center;
I settle into a dynamic centeredness.

It is only fighting the waves that keeps me out of balance!
As I practice letting go,
I find myself comfortably floating,
swaying around center,

I allow balance to come to me.
It is only fighting the waves that keeps me out of balance.
This is a picture, a practice I received from Master Lao Tzu.
I have profited from his insight, for awhile now.

- want to read more like this?
Try Mountains are not better than valleys. Valleys are not better than mountains.
