Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ascended Master Sabrina: BEing Playful, Malleable, and Free

Sabrina is a Very high-vibration Master, lost to history, but available to us!

She Brings her tremendous spiritually-focused, creative LIFE into this world.
She shows us what it is like to be free, graceful, ease-full 
in a world where heavy, serious and significant are confused with maturity.

She occurs to me often as a child, and as such: 
playful, imaginative, able to turn-on-a-dime.
She also occurs to me often like a lenticular (standing) cloud, and as such: 
adaptable, magically changeable, and not earth-bound.

She helps us expereince in our bodies, in our lives, in this reality, in this world 
our ability to be free, to have fun, to not be weighed-down.

She is great friends with Jesus, and it is so easy to see in her many of the things Jesus spoke-of, which many of us have trouble hearing from him.  Of course, this is the most obvious example:
I tell you the truth, unless you turn around and become like little children, you will never enter the reign of the heavens (spiritual reality).

Create your world, like a child playing in a sandbox

Our imagination is Everything.
Then all we need to DO is PLAY our creations into Reality.

Yes, we create what we expereince;
but also WHO we BE while we create IS our experience:

Are we angry? fearful? joyful? easeful?
Then THAT is our experience:
our Creativity AND our creations in this world.

Skipping and Light IS the secret to Life

Come SEE the world as a place of great play and amazing malleability.
Easy, Free, Easy, Fun, Easy.

Experience the Excitement and Aliveness of high-vibration experience!
When we are FULL of Light, we are impelled into Action - bringing Light into our World.

Let Go of all concepts and habits around what it is to be an adult... 
an allegedly responsible person in the world.
Receive BACK your Free-will, your Birthright - the essence of YOU.

We can experience our lives in a child-likeness 
that can naturally shift our consciousness from 
hard to easy, stuck to skipping,  heavy to light, curse to blessing

Meet Ascended Master Sabrina: lost to history, but available to us!
Sabrina is a Very high-vibration Ascended Master, 
bringing her tremendous spiritually-focused, creative LIFE into this world.

She shows us what it is like to be free, graceful, ease-full 
in a world where heavy, serious and significant are confused with maturity.

Nov 24, 2014 Meditation Workshop:


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